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BMW (UK) Limited (BMW) is committed to providing products and service of the highest standard. But we do understand that sometimes things can go wrong. If you have a concern or are dissatisfied in any way, we’ll do our best to help resolve the situation in a fair and transparent way.
BMW will investigate all complaints competently, diligently and impartially obtaining additional information as necessary.
Every complaint will be assessed fairly, consistently and promptly taking into account all relevant factors to ensure a fair outcome for you.
If your complaint relates to a finance agreement with BMW Financial Services, please click here for details on BMW Financial Services’ complaint handling procedure.
BMW (UK) Limited (BMW) is committed to providing products and service of the highest standard. But we do understand that sometimes things can go wrong. If you have a concern or are dissatisfied in any way, we’ll do our best to help resolve the situation in a fair and transparent way.
BMW will investigate all complaints competently, diligently and impartially obtaining additional information as necessary.
Every complaint will be assessed fairly, consistently and promptly taking into account all relevant factors to ensure a fair outcome for you.
If your complaint relates to a finance agreement with BMW Financial Services, please click here for details on BMW Financial Services’ complaint handling procedure.
Step 1: Discussion with your BMW Centre.
If you have a concern with either your vehicle or the service you have received at your BMW Centre, please firstly raise this with them directly and the centre will do all they can resolve your complaint.
They are best placed to address your concerns and if required, will contact us directly on your behalf.
Step 2: Contact BMW.
If something isn’t right, let us know how we can help.
1. Telephone number 0370 5050 160
We're here:
Monday & Tuesday 9am – 5pm
Wednesday - Friday 9am – 3:30pm
Calls are charged at the local rate, plus your phone company's access charge.
2. Or write to us at:
Customer Service
BMW (UK) Limited
Summit ONE
Summit Avenue
GU14 0FB
To help us investigate and try to resolve your complaint, please provide us with the following information:
- Your full name and address
- Details of how we can contact you
- Your BMW Centre
- A clear description of your complaint
- What you would like us to do to rectify the situation
- Where relevant, copies of any supporting documentation
- If you do not have a customer account with BMW we will ask for some information on ownership, this is normally through a copy of the Registration Document – V5C
Our commitment to you.
- Once received, we will notify you of a case reference number and this should be used in any further communication on the complaint.
- Your complaint will be assigned to an advisor who will take the lead on your complaint and provide you with updates.
- We’ll thoroughly investigate your complaint and offer a fair response that will take into account all the information available to us.
- In some cases we’ll need to contact your BMW Centre for more information. If appropriate, we may refer the complaint directly to them for information or action.
- We will do our best to resolve your complaint quickly and aim to resolve complaints within five working days.
- We may not always provide the answer you are looking for, but we’ll make sure we offer a clear explanation for our decision.
Financial Services.
If your complaint relates to a finance agreement with BMW Financial Services, please click below for details on BMW Financial Services’ complaint handling procedure.
Step 3 – What if you remain unhappy with your response?
If you feel your issue has not been resolved, you can contact The Motor Ombudsman for an independent opinion.
The Motor Ombudsman is BMW’s appointed Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) provider and can provide free and impartial adjudication.
The Motor Ombudsman is the UK's government-backed, self-regulatory body for the motor industry.
It is fully impartial, focuses solely on the automotive sector, and self-regulates the UK’s motor industry through its comprehensive Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI)-approved Codes of Practice.
BMW is accredited to the Motor Industry Code of Practice for New Cars.
The Motor Ombudsman
71 Great Peter Street
Telephone: 0345 241 3008
Website: www.themotorombudsman.org